Shaniyah Hope Foundation
It is so easy to fall into a pattern of apathy as we go through our lives. Our organization was born out of a commitment to stop passing over the real issues of society, and deal with them head on. We have set out to aid those who need it most. Shaniyah Hope Selby Foundation is here to help, and we believe that change is possible when we put our hearts and minds to it.

Our Forever Angel
Shaniyah Hope Selby was my one and only daughter who I love very much. Shaniyah was smart, beautiful, and full of joy. Since she was born she has been the sunshine in my life. Tragically, Shaniyah Hopes life was cut short due to an accidental house fire where she was trapped inside at the age of 12. The Shaniyah Hope Foundation was founded in her memory to honor her life and create a legacy for all the lives she has touched in such a short time. Through the Shaniyah Hope foundation, we plan to raise awareness around house fire safety and prevention. Please help us by donating to this charity to prevent another angel leaving this Earth too soon. Shaniyah was loved by all her family and friends. Our lives have been forever changed. Our goal is to help families start a conversation about fire safety and create a plan to escape if this happens to them.